Musical Motivation Monday – Here Comes The Sun!

 Musical Motivation Monday – by Heather Stewart
sunmoonThe last few weeks have been a bit sluggish as far as our steps. I don’t know how many times I have heard “sorry, not many steps this week…” I am told that weeks six and seven are the hardest to stay motivated. I admit that even I had a hard time. Who wants to go out and rock those steps and try to do more than what can be done inside? It is spring and the weather is supposed to be breaking but snow flurries still fall and frost still coats the ground.
Spring! We have patiently waited for its arrival, with it comes our renewal; It has been as if we were dormant plants awaiting the sun. Now is the time! The sun is shining as we push past the last of the spring frost, up through the mud that has hindered us as we unfurl our leaves and bask in the light.
We can do this, we will reach our goal! We will blossom! For that which is in our spirit cannot be hindered by anything for long, it will be granted to us. We are rejuvenated; we now have the energy to move forward and land on the moon!

Image Credit: Sunflower by Lynn Fogel
Heather Stewart was a state champion baton twirler and champion dancer. During graduate school she started experiencing chronic pain & fatigue but even with a family history of AS, she was told people of color could not have AS. After seeing her grandfather’s Rheumatologist she was finally diagnosed. Heather channels her active mind with floral arrangement, crocheting, scrapbooking, volunteering, singing in a barbershop chorus, reading, spending time with family, playing with her dogs and quilting. Heather Stewart is the author/coach for our Musical Motivation Monday blog.
Heather is one of our Walk Ambassadors & Team Captain of The Rockin’ Weebles!

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