Monday Motivation – Where's The Kaboom?

Musical Motivation Monday – by Heather Stewart
Where’s the Kaboom?
This past week I’ve been feeling like Marvin the Martian “Oh! Mutiny makes me so angry!” While there hasn’t been a mutiny on Spaceship WYASO2014 it seems there is some sabotage going on.
I was sick the week before and this past week I have been trying to catch up and I don’t think I’ve done that yet. Through all of this I have noticed an increase in “flares” (when the inflammation increases creating lots of pain) for those of us with AS and other types of rheumatic problems and other illnesses. Here we are undertaking this journey from the Moon to Mars and several weeks in it is as if a switch was thrown and we’re falling apart. It is very frustrating. As if Bugs Bunny took our illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator and prevented our earth shattering kaboom!
Well, even if we didn’t have the kaboom this week or last, we will continue to move forward. Step by step each of us will traverse the stars going our own pace because it is not the speed that counts…it is the journey. Remember we are not in competition with each other. We’ve set personal goals and team goals but the overall goal is the journey among the stars raising awareness along the way. Every bit helps, just keep moving. Besides it took Marvin the Martian 2000 years to get the illudium Q-36 just right.

Heatherstewart2Heather Stewart was a state champion baton twirler and champion dancer. During graduate school she started experiencing chronic pain & fatigue but even with a family history of AS, she was told people of color could not have AS. After seeing her grandfather’s Rheumatologist she was finally diagnosed. Heather channels her active mind with floral arrangement, crocheting, scrapbooking, volunteering, singing in a barbershop chorus, reading, spending time with family, playing with her dogs and quilting. Heather Stewart is the author/coach for our Musical Motivation Monday blog.
Heather is one of our Walk Ambassadors & Team Captain of The Rockin’ Weebles!

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