5 Days to Starting Line And 5 Reasons To Walk With Us!

Is everyone gearing up for our 2014 Walk Your A.S. Off! Just five days to our starting line for 2014! If you needed more reasons to give your friends & family to join us and walk – well here are 5 reasons although we could come up with oodles more!
1. You already walk everywhere you go – why not make those steps meaningful and contribute them to our cause! Shoot – add in your pooch’s steps too!
2. Our walk is great motivation! We’ve got thousands of people walking together and cheering each other on! The health benefits of walking are enormous for people with AS and for every single person. Let our cause help you be more fit and more healthy.
3. Your help and support means so much to the person you are walking for. If you have AS you are walking for yourself and for others with a form of Spondylitis. If you don’t have AS – you found your way to our walk because you have a friend or family member who has a form of Spondylitis. Whatever led you to walking with us – you are doing it for those of us with this disease. That is a powerful intention! And it does mean so very much to us. Living with a difficult and painful disease that so few know about is difficult to say the least. We are trying to change that – to raise awareness so that people have an understanding of how this family of diseases impact lives. Thank you for helping us.
4. Isn’t it kinda cool that we’re walking to Mars! I think so and it gives us all a goal and with things in life you have to aim for something – we dream BIG – so we decided on a enormous goal of getting to Mars.
In year one, we wanted to go 1 million steps! We quickly realized that with the outpouring of support we received, we needed a much larger goal so our 20 initial teams set out to circle the globe in steps made in the name of Ankylosing Spondylitis – and we did it! We collectively stepped 63,978,087 steps or about 32,000 miles!
In year two we grew enormously and took on the seemingly impossible goal of “WALKING to the moon” – a goal TEN times the size of the goal from the year before – and we DID IT! We collectively took 654,568,770 steps well over the approximate 478 million we needed or about 328,000 miles.
NOW: In year three (2014) we’ve taken on a goal that may take us approximately 10 years to accomplish – 10 years – the average number of years it currently takes a person with A.S. to receive a diagnosis. We are attempting to be the first people to “step foot” on Mars! Our current campaign for this year is “We Dream Big!” We realize this is a far reaching vision, but one that can fulfill many of our goals and reach a world full of people – affecting people with and without AS positively in so many ways! 
And the 5th reason to walk with us is that it is just plain FUN!
To register a team – click here
To have us match you to a team – click here
We start walking on March 1st – see you at the starting line!

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