Monday Motivation – We Have Satellites!

Musical Motivation Monday – by Heather Stewart
WYASO2014 to Houston, come in Houston. HOUSTON we have satellites!
All of our lives we are surrounded by people; family, friends, co-workers, associates. We even have phrases like “circle of friends” to describe some of them. We place ourselves in the center and they surround us. Over the years some relationships burn fast and hot, others a slow burn while even others are strong and constant. They say that everyone comes into your life for a reason, the strong constant people, they are our satellites.
You know who they are, they are with you through thick and thin. They tell you when your wrong even if you don’t want to hear it. If you get sick they want to research everything just to understand and help you however they can. They are your supporters, your cheerleaders.
As we continue on our journey to Mars let us not forget those who are helping us along the way. They are the ones walking beside us ready to pick up the slack when we can’t lift our feet. Encourage us and remind us not to push beyond our breaking point. They orbit around giving just the right unconditional love, laughter, and the discerning ear that can distinguish the false atmosphere from the true hidden below. These people who see beyond our flaws, who adapt to the ever present changes (sometimes one hour to the next), they are our satellites.
Ankylosing Spondylitis may be the diagnosis of a single person but it effects the lives of those who provide support to them as well. We walk to raise awareness but we also walk to honor their efforts. So this week, do a little meditative walk, as you step take a moment to reflect on the satellites in your life and thank them if not verbally then in your heart. That “thanks” will be heard.

Heatherstewart2Heather Stewart was a state champion baton twirler and champion dancer. During graduate school she started experiencing chronic pain & fatigue but even with a family history of AS, she was told people of color could not have AS. After seeing her grandfather’s Rheumatologist she was finally diagnosed. Heather channels her active mind with floral arrangement, crocheting, scrapbooking, volunteering, singing in a barbershop chorus, reading, spending time with family, playing with her dogs and quilting. Heather Stewart is the author/coach for our Musical Motivation Monday blog.
Heather is one of our Walk Ambassadors & Team Captain of The Rockin’ Weebles!

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