Category Archives: Walk Club

Why Walk?

Why walk? Walking can be really tough. There was a time when my AS felt horrible after walking, even high impact activity such as running felt better. When you have a spondylitis disease, any and all activity feels completely out of the question at times. There are days when I force myself to do exercise […]

Musical Motivation Monday – Ain't No Stopping Us Now!

Musical Motivation Monday – by Heather Stewart We are poised to leave our footprints on the moon. We will reach our destination but will we have accomplished all that we set out to do? We wanted to take steps to reach the moon but to also get people moving and raise awareness for AS. I think […]

Welcome Walkers!

We are so excited to start our first 10 week Walk Club session! Welcome walkers! We welcome anyone to join our Walk Your A.S. Off walk club or yearly event. Our purpose is to keep walking and moving our joints – it’s good for everyone but especially good for people with a form of spondylitis. […]